Friday, August 20, 2010

Roger Clemens And His Stupidity

Roger  Clemens
swearing under

courtesy of
Roger Clemens has been a very stupid man.  Starting in February of 2008 when he offered to tell congress (under oath) that he did not use preforming enhancing drugs.  Now the pitcher is on the verge of serving anywhere from 6-18 months of jail time.
    I just don't see why in the world someone would basically volunteer to lye to congress.  On the contrary I don't see why congress has to thrust themselves into the topic.  Baseball should handle it.

1 comment:

  1. Is it all politics? But at this point, no matter why he had to testify, he's now in trouble for lying - in the wrong place, at the wrong time, in front of the wrong people. Stupid indeed.
